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Playlist cover


by vaisvil


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I loaded Sonar with a couple audio tracks + echo and recorded my wife’s seagull acoustic via a dean markley soundhole pickup.

After the take I multiplied a couple times and edited a touch.

This is really just a test for a planned piece like this with my fretless electric guitar for the Improv Friday folks but that didn’t work out.

I’m really fascinated by being my own accompaniment - ever since I owned a real echoplex back in the depths of time.

c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said


kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Lovely textures you've created here! Really nice track!

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Great sonic space and execution, BL will be favoriting/dl'ing this.

Guest said

My goodness, you're clever. I'm completely blinded by the science but I'm not deaf. Amazing sounds! There is an Indian feel here, which I love and also the music fading out sounds like church bells.

Guest said

Damn, wrinkled shirt's comment is perfect!

Guest said

guitar complexity with massive sonar layers!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Very cool mate.

Guest said


Norm's avatar
Norm said

