re-uploaded And the Heavens Opened Up
Alontone refused to accept the update
Yeah! very nice.
I likes the GR-20! Dave Berry did a solo for me with his once. Those things rule. Oh, love this - Good zone!
Certainly gives a sense of vastness and strength. Kind of puts things in perspective. Nicely done.
very inspiring and inspired. and i don't know if you've updated it while i was playing this, but on the 3rd listen, the noised background (xps, maybe?) was gone.. intentional?
this is super..................nova!! i have had a few times when AT would not accept an upload,, dropped the ball as they say, i logged out then back in and it worked on the second try,,, very nice
Successful play! I just finished watching 2001 a space odyssey (again) and this piece would have been perfect in the soundtrack. I wants a GR-20 now.