Comments on Gary Fox's stuff

Gary Fox's avatar
The title track to the new album. Turn it up. Listen all the way through and there's some ear candy at the end for you. ;)
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Wow! John, Paul, and George with Young/Young/Williams/Rudd backing them... I can't think of a better combination for me to listen to. The chorus is just sublime. And George Martin at the controls... lol (just reached the end). Almost perfect Gary - LOVE IT!!

Gary Fox's avatar
This one started as a the title line while driving in my car. All I had was the line and it's melody. I built the song around that about 6 months later. The lyrics are self explanatory.
Guest said

A beautiful end to this great album

Gary Fox's avatar
What's rock and roll without a yee-haw or war-whoop before a solo? This ragged piece of something or other came from a riff I had laying around for a couple of years. I pieced it together kind of last minute for RPM 2006. It's not bad, a lot…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Good old 70s rock - that's what your music sounds to me. Really fun to listen to.

Gary Fox's avatar
Allelujiah-This was supposed to be a completely different song, but this one just wrote itself instead. It’s almost all first take, except for the bass, which took a while to get straight so that it wouldn’t overwhelm the song. It has this tone…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Your singing style reminds me of John Mellencamp on "John & Diane". Good job!

Gary Fox's avatar
Summer Grass- I didn’t originally intend for this to be the title track, but since most, though not all, of the songs on this album sound like summer to me, I decided, why not? The guitar even sounds humid and warm, but in that nice July way…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

I don't know if it sounds like Summer, but it sure sounds like good song to me.

Gary Fox's avatar
A little fun riff that came from noodling on my Epi whilst watching the idiot box one night. It's kind of written for a friend who is a little lost in a self-imposed exile from life.
hojorising's avatar
hojorising said

Gary, this is a really cool tune. Nice guitar work

Gary Fox's avatar
Top Of The Pops circa 1972! Remember when all those bands in the early 70's where adding synth to every song but the lyrics meant something (sometimes)? Pure excitement, pure bubblegum, pure fun. Well, this is my offering and thanks to all of…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

And This!! yes 1972! I'm right back in that living room (and the speakers are way better)

Gary Fox's avatar
Hello 1977! This song sounds like 1977 to me. So, I totally played it up, right down to the reverb on the vocals. Enjoy.
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Oh This!!

Gary Fox's avatar
The title track to the new album. Turn it up. Listen all the way through and there's some ear candy at the end for you. ;)
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

OK i geddit. Those vocals - there is a place in my heart that loves them before they even start. It must be 3 or 4 bands rolled into one but they are hitting the spot. The Beatles/Cream/Status Quo and The Carpenters all in the same throat! Magical!

Gary Fox's avatar
This song started as the riff on my Strat while fooling around with some FX. I knew it needed to be a big dance number, and then realized there is a great story about the power of music and dance, which I hid in the lyrics. See if you can figure…
Guest said

Fantastic, one of the best songs I heard on Alonetone so far.

Gary Fox's avatar
Top Of The Pops circa 1972! Remember when all those bands in the early 70's where adding synth to every song but the lyrics meant something (sometimes)? Pure excitement, pure bubblegum, pure fun. Well, this is my offering and thanks to all of…
Guest said

This is so retro, fantastic!

Gary Fox's avatar
The title track to the new album. Turn it up. Listen all the way through and there's some ear candy at the end for you. ;)
Guest said

This whole piece is ear candy

Gary Fox's avatar
A little fun riff that came from noodling on my Epi whilst watching the idiot box one night. It's kind of written for a friend who is a little lost in a self-imposed exile from life.
Guest said


Gary Fox's avatar
Originally meant to sound more Hendrix-ey, this one informed me that acoustic was the way to start. As always, the song was right, I was wrong.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

excellent!!!Guitar and vocal

Gary Fox's avatar
Hold On- Ok, this one is really hard. Not in a rock sense, but other ways. Musically, this song really dances on the line of schmaltz, and a few times, trips over it. I had a hard time singing some of the lines, since I don’t have a pretty voice…
Guest said

Just a brilliant track!

Gary Fox's avatar
Hello 1977! This song sounds like 1977 to me. So, I totally played it up, right down to the reverb on the vocals. Enjoy.
Guest said

Great Tune!

Gary Fox's avatar
A little fun riff that came from noodling on my Epi whilst watching the idiot box one night. It's kind of written for a friend who is a little lost in a self-imposed exile from life.
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Pretty cool. :)

Gary Fox's avatar
A little fun riff that came from noodling on my Epi whilst watching the idiot box one night. It's kind of written for a friend who is a little lost in a self-imposed exile from life.
Guest said

This is my favourite track on your album Gary. Just great!! A most enjoyable album altogether.

Gary Fox's avatar
One of my first favorite songs...I had this idea floating around for years, even tried it with the band in late 98-99. This 2001 recording comes closest to capturing what I hear in my head.
stoman's avatar
stoman said

This one seems to have a lot more dynamic range than the other ones. Suits me better as I'm not usually a "loud guy" ... Great 60s/70s touch again. Just the way I like it! :)

Gary Fox's avatar
Hello 1977! This song sounds like 1977 to me. So, I totally played it up, right down to the reverb on the vocals. Enjoy.
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Sounds more like 1982 to be. ;) :P Either way it sounds superb. You have achieve a level of professionalism that most of us will never achieve.
