Comments on Gumbo's stuff

Gumbo's avatar
This here be last years Pirate Day Song and a little darker as befits it's murky past.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

HAHA- brilliant! I love the drunken banjo. How much rum was consumed in the making of this one?

Gumbo's avatar
Written today. recorded on an iMac with the internal mic and no headphones (!) so it's probably going to be muddy as hell, but that feels about right for now. LYRIC: Fill up the glass, Bartender Ply your art Quench the fire in here, now…
Guest said

Hey Gumbo, I'm really enjoying your tracks -- that's why i've listened to 12 in a row :)

Gumbo's avatar
Fiddling around with an open G tuning and I found the chord that 'Prodigal Son' is based on (a Robert Wilkins tune from the 30s made famous by the Stones) so I had a play around with it, stopped for dinner and came back and wrote the lyrics…
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

thank... you!, gumbo

Gumbo's avatar
This here be last years Pirate Day Song and a little darker as befits it's murky past.
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

I believe 'yarrrr' is Pirate for "More Rum, by the salty sheets of Windy Gail". So it could be wearing thin, but is more likely just a little slurred LOL

Gumbo's avatar
This here be last years Pirate Day Song and a little darker as befits it's murky past.
Guest said

It's over here with the coke. Brilliant! Yarrrr!!! You conjure up the coolest pirates! (Is "yarrrr!!" wearing thin now?)

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Well, blow me down. Me aints no hornswaggler ye landlubbers. We'll be dancing the hempen jig!

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

re: Cornish - that's a puzzle then re: Pirate love songs - plenty of room for a love song - Pirates have big hearts - just ask Davy Jones!

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
Guest said

Haha, no, you sound about as Cornish as I sound Irish. I am recording a pirate song for ye right now, arrrh! (It's more of a pirate love song it may not fit on ye playlist.)

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

Pieces of nine...... Inflation!

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

heres one of mine. all about life on the sea, Its called "life on the sea"

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
glu's avatar
glu said

I'd love to participate on the 19th, but I will be in mid-move.. pirate style..will have to take a raincheck me matey, ARRRR

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
donuts's avatar
donuts said

Lively tune and lyrics, sung with cannons a-firin'

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Thanks guys and gals. It's be great to have a few more Piratical Ditty's slipping through onto the airwaves this year. I'll be doing another one for sure. Does my accent sound Cornish? Wicked!

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
glu's avatar
glu said

hehe, I soooo love this genre.

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
Guest said

ARrrrr!!!!!! Can we expect another on 19th? Hope so!!!!!!!!

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

AAAAARRRRRHH! Matey! I don't have my pirate to English dictionary in front of me, but I think that translates as "brilliant"

Gumbo's avatar
This is my 2007 Pirate Day song, written and recorded September 19th 2007. I like the innuendo, but maybe it's too subtle - nobody else seems to notice ;~)
Guest said

Brilliant Gumbo! As a Cornish maid, I love your accent!

Gumbo's avatar
This was written and recorded on 19th September 05 aka International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2005 ( a wet afternoon as I recall) and is posted here so you start to get the hint.
Guest said


Gumbo's avatar
This was written and recorded on 19th September 05 aka International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2005 ( a wet afternoon as I recall) and is posted here so you start to get the hint.
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said


Gumbo's avatar
This was written and recorded on 19th September 05 aka International Talk Like A Pirate Day 2005 ( a wet afternoon as I recall) and is posted here so you start to get the hint.
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Thanks Kirk, that's fine by me! Pirate Day is a right laugh, and a good excuse for a fun song. Sister - that's fine by me, too LOL thankee. It was a few years ago - I'm a lot more decrepit, now, of course.
