Comments on kirklynch's stuff

kirklynch's avatar
Last of the archives for now. A set of reels from the Last Nights Fun album. I did pipes, whistle and guitar on the last tune in the set. There's a live version of this up here too. This is the studio cut
Guest said

thnx for checking out crack and aids , sound like i'm in ireland or something thnx great instrumentations

kirklynch's avatar
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
Ed Craig's avatar
Ed Craig said

Wow. Beautiful guitar work. Reminds me of early genesis steve hacket stuff.

kirklynch's avatar
Last of the archives for now. A set of reels from the Last Nights Fun album. I did pipes, whistle and guitar on the last tune in the set. There's a live version of this up here too. This is the studio cut
4barrelcarb (4BC)'s avatar
4barrelcarb (4BC) said

Perfect for St Patty's! enjoyed! :)

kirklynch's avatar
More searching for new sounds. Same setup as the last one. Experimented a bit with paulstretch on the fadeout
lux lucis's avatar
lux lucis said

Groovy. I love this one.

kirklynch's avatar
An unusual traditional tune from the first Scartaglen album way back in 1984. Going through stuff the other day and ran across the LP and couldn't even remember the tune or having recorded it. I played guitar on this track
Guest said

How lovely to have these tracks from what is now a fairly distant past. Great musicianship.

kirklynch's avatar
An unusual traditional tune from the first Scartaglen album way back in 1984. Going through stuff the other day and ran across the LP and couldn't even remember the tune or having recorded it. I played guitar on this track
Guest said

Kirk, This is Greg Zenitsky. You likely won't remember me but I was a student at UMKC in the early 80's and I made a couple of recordings of Scartaglen as part of a project in Tom Mardie's audio recording classes. I believe one of the tunes was Metal Man. Is this cut from that tape by chance? I misplaced my tape copies years ago before having the opportunity to make digital copies. Regardless, I hope this message finds you well. Always enjoyed your music!

kirklynch's avatar
More searching for new sounds. Same setup as the last one. Experimented a bit with paulstretch on the fadeout
Imbecilicus Rex's avatar
Imbecilicus Rex said

Okay, that is a remarkable use of paulstretch...

kirklynch's avatar
Last of the archives for now. A set of reels from the Last Nights Fun album. I did pipes, whistle and guitar on the last tune in the set. There's a live version of this up here too. This is the studio cut
Imbecilicus Rex's avatar
Imbecilicus Rex said

Very, very nice!

kirklynch's avatar
Last of the archives for now. A set of reels from the Last Nights Fun album. I did pipes, whistle and guitar on the last tune in the set. There's a live version of this up here too. This is the studio cut
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Your a bad ass Kirk Lynch. Much love Amigo!

kirklynch's avatar
I hesitate to upload this, but there are a couple folks around who like this sort of thing. This is an edited down version of a jam I had with myself back at the end of 2007. Live to 2 tracks with the aid of the Jamman. I think it was the first…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Don't hesitate lets have some more .....

kirklynch's avatar
I hesitate to upload this, but there are a couple folks around who like this sort of thing. This is an edited down version of a jam I had with myself back at the end of 2007. Live to 2 tracks with the aid of the Jamman. I think it was the first…
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

outstanding technique and phrasing!

kirklynch's avatar
Just one of my ambient "places to go live for a while" pieces
slooky's avatar
slooky said

nice music, love it

kirklynch's avatar
Just one of my ambient "places to go live for a while" pieces
Guest said

Nice 80s vibe, could be useful as a soundtrack! Maybe I could suggest adding a driving drum beat just to get things going ;)

kirklynch's avatar
Last of the archives for now. A set of reels from the Last Nights Fun album. I did pipes, whistle and guitar on the last tune in the set. There's a live version of this up here too. This is the studio cut
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

amazing piece, love the change around :55!

kirklynch's avatar
More from the way back machine. A set of polkas from the 1992 Scartaglen album "Last Nights Fun". Former band mate Mike Dugger wrote the first 2 tunes and I can't remember where we got the last tune. There is a live version of this up here. This…
lux lucis's avatar
lux lucis said

I love this. Excellent!

kirklynch's avatar
Last of the archives for now. A set of reels from the Last Nights Fun album. I did pipes, whistle and guitar on the last tune in the set. There's a live version of this up here too. This is the studio cut
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

I just found this! Gorgeous!!!!!

kirklynch's avatar
Last of the archives for now. A set of reels from the Last Nights Fun album. I did pipes, whistle and guitar on the last tune in the set. There's a live version of this up here too. This is the studio cut
Guest said

<3 it.

kirklynch's avatar
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
Guest said

You have beautiful hands sir.

kirklynch's avatar
Sitting around in my shop a couple of days ago with the Goodall and the Zoom H4N. First time I've really messed with using the internal mics on the H4N in multitrack mode
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Pentangle got me into this... Excellent piece

kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Great to hear
