Written by John Turner from his new release The Whole Shabang.
John on Drums & Lead vocal,
me on all guitars and backing vocals
and Ken Hornoff on bass and recorded at his Tukar studio.
First time we did the power trio thing!
Written by John Turner from his new release The Whole Shabang.
John on Drums & Lead vocal,
me on all guitars and backing vocals
and Ken Hornoff on bass and recorded at his Tukar studio.
First time we did the power trio thing!
The latest release from Sunset Dadeze.. "Never Please" written by Ron Rouch, lead vocal by Lindy. Lindy and Bob came up with the background vocals as well and both play acoustic guitar. John on…
Here is my version of Greg's Cherry Pie...I took a little liberty with it and recorded a whole new song.....I think Greg said that would be ok!!
Tried to put the Sweet Ronnie Cream Cheese Mojo on it....good gawd!!!!
for Gene's contest...great title and inspiration!!
“How To Assemble Your Android”
Yesterday a box of parts came to my front door
I thought she came assembled, ready to be my whore
Tore the box apart and to no one’s surprise I was missing…
Going back through some of the oldies and goodies and found this one! What a fun time we all had. still a classic to be sure. I hope this finds you well and enjoying life! All my best!!!
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
My mother recently died of Alzheimer’s after a long illness and I can say you’ve certainly captured the disease with this track, the desperate confusion, the fear and loss an excellent bit of work . My heart goes out to you or anyone who has to deal with Dementia it’s a horror You grieve while the loved one is still alive.
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
This song is so heart wrenching. Your friend singing these lyrics did an amazing job getting the feelings of anger and frustration in. I’m sending you and your dad and your family a lot of love. These are the toughest of times. Hugs to you!!!
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
Poignant and well delivered message! Sorry to hear that your Dad is in a nursing facility now. There are a lot of us dealing with aging parents right now.
From what you have shared with me regarding his personality, he’s probably making friends and enjoying himself.
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
please check the video!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyytSMYAARo
I wrote this song about my father and Dementia/Alzheimer's over a year and a half ago. We just finished the song and video, kind of surreal because Dad is in a nursing…
I read the blurb first, and then I was worried that might prove a mistake... but no, the song is a STUNNER. I couldn't imagine how you'd work the subject... and it's just fabulous - you tackled it head on and there's no sentimentality... you captured the anger, the confusion, wow... SO powerful.
We wrote and recorded a new song while we are all on lock down...have really missed playing with the band. Lindy wrote the song and recorded his part at his home studio sent it to me and I added my parts and vocals Our studio is behind Ken's house…
We wrote and recorded a new song while we are all on lock down...have really missed playing with the band. Lindy wrote the song and recorded his part at his home studio sent it to me and I added my parts and vocals Our studio is behind Ken's house…
We wrote and recorded a new song while we are all on lock down...have really missed playing with the band. Lindy wrote the song and recorded his part at his home studio sent it to me and I added my parts and vocals Our studio is behind Ken's house…
We wrote and recorded a new song while we are all on lock down...have really missed playing with the band. Lindy wrote the song and recorded his part at his home studio sent it to me and I added my parts and vocals Our studio is behind Ken's house…
We wrote and recorded a new song while we are all on lock down...have really missed playing with the band. Lindy wrote the song and recorded his part at his home studio sent it to me and I added my parts and vocals Our studio is behind Ken's house…
We wrote and recorded a new song while we are all on lock down...have really missed playing with the band. Lindy wrote the song and recorded his part at his home studio sent it to me and I added my parts and vocals Our studio is behind Ken's house…
Here is my latest Minnesota Homebrew Radio Challenge entry:
Let's write scary or creepy songs for our October 29 show--songs that'll make our listeners' skin crawl! Submit by October 28 to:
This is more of a description than a song. It's my contribution to the Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show monthly song writing challenge: "Write a song about your first car."
Here is my contribution to the Minnesota Association of Songwriters challenge: Write a song titled "Mississippi Moon" and use this chord progression somewhere in the song (adjust for the Key you are in) "C, G, Am, C, Dm"
You will find D…
What’s on your mind
Are you losing confidence
Someone’s been unkind
And caring becomes a consequence
Look for a reason to smile
The Sun will shine your way
Look for a reason to smile
And watch the clouds drift away
Feeling like you…
Nice, a little Beatle sounding which is a good thing to me!! I like the way you double tracked your voice..at least that's what it sounds like..... did you sing it twice or just used computer magic?
love it!!
Written for Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show's current songwriting challenge, "write a song with two words in the title starting with P".
The term 'pseudo' means 'false' or 'pretend.' Pseudo-psychology, therefore, refers to a psychological practice…
oh yeah I'm getting out my tie die shirt and paisley pants!! ....this reminds me of the 60's!!
pseudo (psychedelic) psychology...to me!!!..... love it Greg!
Fresh breeze on Lake Superior
And waves collide with the shore
The sailor must be watching
For gusting wind we can’t ignore
Loose the main, correct the healing
Point the bow to the wind
Recognize the peaceful feeling
In this sacred…
The other night I was sitting out watching a little fire in my backyard, and thinking about how useless it is to let the past dictate our present and future. This one is dedicated to all of us with relationships in our history that have no place…
It’s like floating down a river
When you’re not quite in control
That river’s going to take you
Only where it wants to go
So you reach out with conviction
At debris along the way
That river’s going to take you
If you give up and say…
My wife Rita mentioned that she had not heard my dulcimer on any music recently, so I tuned it up and wrote First Morning Light. A little Low D Irish Whistle flavored it just a bit.
Fresh air through…
I left my home in paradise when warning signs begun
With a member of my aging family
I left behind the trees so tall they almost blocked the Sun
And a lake so big it looked just like the sea
The wind blows cold through paradise in winter…
I had myself a dream last night
As I tossed and turned in bed
The window was open wide
The street noise jangled, in my head
I was dreaming of a better time
It was all so clear to me
Wind whistled through the pine trees…
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
outstanding !! my wife and I were thinking of you with all the crazy news.. was not sure how close you were to all of the riots....hope you are doing well and it sounds like everyone in your neighborhood is making the best of a very tough and sad situation....
Here is another ZOOM Collaboration with:
Steve Krell
Colleen Dillon
Roger Harris
Greg Connor
We posted the lyrics and featured the chords, just in case you wanted to write your own lyrics and post them with this idea.
Empty Bottles…
This song is a work in progress. I attended an online songwriting workshop hosted by Chad Shank (Minnesota Songwriters Association) who was talking about songs with varying length lines to create more of a conversational atmosphere and the use…
Steve developed this beautiful track with his ukulele and I added some lyrics to make a "positive message" song for the times we are in.... Hope it makes you smile too...
It Won’t Be Like This Forever
Sitting here on my front steps
Great playing and singing....now if you could only dance!!!!! sorry, getting a little bit of cabin fever. you can stop dancing now. all joking aside ...another outstanding song. Love it. I think you have written more songs than Dolly by now.
Here's the first of several versions that you'll see from a collaboration across the inter webs started by Greg Connor. He got us together on the Zoom and then look what happened!!!! Music and lyrics collaborated with the talents of Steve Krell…
Strange Times is an international collaboration between Roger Harris & myself. Roger initiated the idea with the first verse and chorus along with a chord progression. I added the last verse and took some liberty in producing this version…
Hey how did you know it's raining here!!! perfect song today. Is that an accordion on the chorus? Sounds great....love the lyrics and the whole feel of this one.....cheers me up while on lock-down!!!!
hope all is well with you and Rita!!!
Comments on Ron's stuff
Good song with great guitar playing, or should I say shredding. Well done Ron. I think your trio is a success!
Those guitars are awesome! This is a great song. Like a summertime anthem. Fun to hear your music again!!! Happy 4th to you and the band.
Love this song Ron! Great video to bring it all to life. Fun to see you and the band again!
Bad ass.
Going back through some of the oldies and goodies and found this one! What a fun time we all had. still a classic to be sure. I hope this finds you well and enjoying life! All my best!!!
cousin harold got this far ,but can't view video, cause I am too dumb to figure out how
A sad but a great song, having watched my Mother in law suffer that dreadful disease ... and a powerful video, sending love to all of you.
Really good song heavy lyrics KC
My mother recently died of Alzheimer’s after a long illness and I can say you’ve certainly captured the disease with this track, the desperate confusion, the fear and loss an excellent bit of work . My heart goes out to you or anyone who has to deal with Dementia it’s a horror You grieve while the loved one is still alive.
This song is so heart wrenching. Your friend singing these lyrics did an amazing job getting the feelings of anger and frustration in. I’m sending you and your dad and your family a lot of love. These are the toughest of times. Hugs to you!!!
Poignant and well delivered message! Sorry to hear that your Dad is in a nursing facility now. There are a lot of us dealing with aging parents right now. From what you have shared with me regarding his personality, he’s probably making friends and enjoying himself.
Cool video too
And Greg's right... Art's guitar playing on this is incredible ;)
I read the blurb first, and then I was worried that might prove a mistake... but no, the song is a STUNNER. I couldn't imagine how you'd work the subject... and it's just fabulous - you tackled it head on and there's no sentimentality... you captured the anger, the confusion, wow... SO powerful.
Had to come back for another dip in the pool.... still awesome!
Transported me back to the late 60's, early 70's, great sound.
Oh yeah. And a cool video! Nice one.
Ron you can sing a song ,l enjoyed this . Top notch
Don’t drink it!! But seriously... I really like this song, and love all the layers. Makes me want to dance!!!
Rita and I just watched the video ..... PRICELESS !!!
Comments made by Ron
Fun!! love the sound effects....neat story and a catchy chorus!!!
ha ha love it...reminds me of my first car.. a brand new 69 rally green Camaro that I got in the fall of 1968 great lyrics!!
WOW outstanding song Greg!! guitar playing is excellent, love the tone....and your lyrics really work...love the chorus...YOU WIN!!!
Nice, a little Beatle sounding which is a good thing to me!! I like the way you double tracked your voice..at least that's what it sounds like..... did you sing it twice or just used computer magic? love it!!
oh yeah I'm getting out my tie die shirt and paisley pants!! ....this reminds me of the 60's!! pseudo (psychedelic) psychology...to me!!!..... love it Greg!
I like this a lot..has a Gordon Lightfoot feel to it...also maybe a little Irish folk sound as well...Excellent
Your singing just keeps getting better and better...love the chorus...and great playing and production Greg!!!
Love the lyrics and the guitar sounds great...playing and tone! one of your best chorus's
I hope your resume says multi instrumentalist!!!! love the sound I needed a peaceful song right now!!
oh yeah....I need Paradise!! great one Greg....
Great lyrics, love the chorus...another beautiful song!!
outstanding !! my wife and I were thinking of you with all the crazy news.. was not sure how close you were to all of the riots....hope you are doing well and it sounds like everyone in your neighborhood is making the best of a very tough and sad situation....
Great collaboration....but wheres the video? I want to see all your happy faces singing, playing, and dancing!!! fun song love it
I like it, nice to try something different..great lyrics as usual....and as Steve says..a real keeper!!
Great track Steve and Colleen.....love your voice as always Colleen....
Great playing and singing....now if you could only dance!!!!! sorry, getting a little bit of cabin fever. you can stop dancing now. all joking aside ...another outstanding song. Love it. I think you have written more songs than Dolly by now.
Great collaboration all!!! Stay healthy and keep making outstanding music
Great collaboration guys!! very fitting lyrics and outstanding producing Greg!!!
Yo need to go on Songland!! another great tune!!
Hey how did you know it's raining here!!! perfect song today. Is that an accordion on the chorus? Sounds great....love the lyrics and the whole feel of this one.....cheers me up while on lock-down!!!! hope all is well with you and Rita!!!