Artists that match "short"
Tracks that match "short"
samples “Oh, but on the Third Day (Happy Feet Blues)” by Wynton Marsalis
I’m responsible, I'm stacking my money, y’all, mountain tall
But these landlords are assholes and they want it all
It’ll be alright but you must learn like…
A presence is implied in an absence is implied in a presence. Beyond that circular comparison, Vizenor's absence and presence bear meaningful comparison to Silko's dichotomy between people who practice distinction and subtlety and those who minimize…
The double other is a construct of the literature of dominance. Native persons are cast as characters, pronouns which describe opposite ends of savagism and salvation. Colonizers then seek to inhabit these imagined native others, and replace…
Snows of Terror brings the listener to a intersection of the young ladies journey. No matter how often she stumble HE is there to pick her back up. She can…
She is starting to feel badly for the way she has treated her spouse. She is sure there is no redemption, nothing she can do to bring back the now despondent soul she lives…
That Day Came
Someone married their car. They found great joy in the way some parts of it were proud and others shy, and vibrations of the revving engine. They added aftermarket ground effects to increase its sex appeal.
The owner’s manual…
Early song about disillusionment during the political awakening of youth.
What face is this
What hands are these
Always changing, never the same
All that's mine is a name
In sixty short years nothing will remain
All closed…
Another song for the Record Every Month Challenge. I was hoping to do two songs per month (as in a single A side and B side). In June I am hoping to do a full 10 song album. I have half a month to go and still a lot of work to do. If I fail…
I am hoping to finish the month of June 2023 with 10 new songs. Only one can be my submission for the Record Every Month Challenge. There are two candidates on the short list. This is one. I like this. There isn't much to it, I just like…
This is on the short list for my June 2023 Record Every Month Challenge submission, but I think the mix is going to make me go with something else this time. The song was purposely super easy, but I think I made it a smidge too busy in the mix…
The next time you get an idea to experiment with 5/8 time........ don't.
The rhythm guitar tracks are my Les Paul into an Analog Man King of Time into a Vox MV50. I think the leads are the same but I forgot to write it down on the Trello card…
Really simple tune built around a heavily modified Apple Loop. Reminds me in places of Simple Minds; the guitar could be developed and with a decent vocalist there's an opportunity for some sing-along stuff - The bass is my short scale Fender Mustang
This short microtonal music composition uses 22 equal divisions of the octave instead of the usual 12.
Song idea #2 becomes finished song 2/50 for the 2023 50/90 challenge. I feel like this song is almost good. Not quite, but almost. It's like being a decent song was in it's grasp but it somehow fell short. The shitty mix and shittier lead…