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finding meaning in nothing new.
Mon Apr 7, 2008, 1:21 AM
Mood: Lazy
Listening to: “next other” 74:25 min song I wrote
Reading: spacetime bororo of brazil by S. M. Fabian
Watching: tracy like trails into the nite
Playing: Apophysis
Eating: brain food and other left overs
Drinking: water again?
gravitational spherically noises that end and begin at the same time as the effort of evolutionary devices of smiling while walking toward where we even know that this are meaning less and less like the thoughts that words describe in sculptured voids of influentially unique forces of power developing in the event field of sight that makes bardo alight on each other with fewer motions of proper propaganda then there is the memory of fire like a living choking of food ordinarily there is smells that welcome themselves into the soft spaces of lifeless infinites of knowledge in different streets down different roads oft inside the mind and yet not but this planet in space makes us look forward to frequent beyond considered given human words given human mistakes given human as the mind that makes the thought learn the quintessence of being one yet none going and staying but neither realized the other …

yet ye ask for more where there is nothing inside the new that is now broken space and vivid musky frowns of lavender in and of their own mosquitoes like rides valued at net gains and as well there is some kind of virtue to making something happen again as if it happens before but never had it happened again the first time inside the fresh mind of life. Water wood and a wet side of the thought that never happens again dot communications oft the event inside them when there is kind of a vivid broken latch of or lever that is not level still.

being of the thought that is not real … having been thought that everything outside of eden means nothing still.

stranger then the feeling of being real the color is exploding into the perfections of mind and mindless noises there are mean and meaningless of nothing that is once some substance of life in time of time but not now or then even before what was inside the laze of crazy post mockery tested as vivivivivivedly down the river of timeless bumblings in tune of Thursdays’ black coat of fur like we ken and me can even view the void of memories like there inside the is of the newer way that was really well done again creeps the charcoals of non - nonsensical beings that make me scream till the dawn of life and death remain where they can not even be found yet known and understructure like freaking out on the edge of meaning where nothing is ever new. .. .

eee's avatar
eee said

well yes and no I just can't get the hang of acid studio 8: so I have been away from the music production for a moment: hence the fold eleven x/X series and this sync a concept after that stand off from production ... going back into the supernova II :) wish me luck :))))

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

if this is a result of that new program I think it is working!!!! :-)

eshar's avatar
eshar said

Certainly sci-fi soundtrack potential here.
