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vaisvil's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by vaisvil


Victim of Love

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Written in a moment of weakness

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Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

This is OUTSTANDING!!! Anyone can write a poignant song that'll make people cry, but it takes real skill to write a poignant song that'll make people laugh. So well written... This truly is brilliant.

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

excellent song!

igor's avatar
igor said

...moments of weakness, as you know, always precede the moment of force. And vice versa, though. ~from above~

Lisa D's avatar
Lisa D said

Serious topic but I couldn't help smiling - you have such a great way with lyrics.

Guest said

Damn . This is a great original song . Seriously this is Ready for Prime time. Greg ,Pitch this song . I love it. its all about that we all love something that aint good for us.
