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vaisvil's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by vaisvil


in an ungodly hour

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some mistakes, like playing live, but i make them right quicky. the song is for halloween and make of the lyrics what you will.

the drums have phaze on them. some of the soft guitars have phaze and flange. the beginning 2 1/2 mins are slow and glooomy, which then leads to a hard rock part, and an even harder rock part after it. then about 2 1/2 mins of more gloomy soft chords with a weird ending.

i am trying a lot of different things in this one as well as using some familiar chord patterns. i believe the song is about 6:30 mins. definately a song where if you don;t like hard rock nor metal, this one aint for you, except perhaps for the beg. and end, maybe not even then! and yes i am guilty for the entirety of this song.

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vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

incredible musical and story telling vision in this!

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Now that was a trip Frank....

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

:) It's the rock part in the middle that grabs me most - love your vocal in that section, almost fluid and liquid. I like how the whole things hangs together. Just waiting for that weird ending now.... ah here tis... oh yes, very cool ending!
