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by vaisvil


Christmas Alone

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Spare a thought for those with nothing this Christmas….. Homeless with no family………and no one to help…….

Nobody is listening no body knocking on my door
nobody is near me nobody wants me
i’m nobody’s child anymore

All the dying are dead
all of them gone
i no longer belong

the extended family doesn’t want
theres no one wants to know me
i’ve got troubles i’m alone
i’m alone

Cant find the right road cant drive alone
who am i
who am i
who am i
now i’m alone

i’m alone in this world
no family to call my own
sleeping in a car at night
i’m cold
i’m cold
i’m cold
so alone

Death surrounds me
all my loved ones gone
i have no family i don’t belong

It’s Christmas day in the lay-by
looking up at the stars
can’t find one to lead me
theres no one to lead me to that blessed relief
theres nothing and no one
i’m alone
i’m alone
and cold
cold in my car

The days go on for ever
empty and cold
no family to hold me so alone

i have a telephone in my hand but no one to call
no one to wish Merry christmas
no one
no one
no one i’m so alone
so alone
The new years coming
it could well be the same
wandering in circles chasing my tail again
i want it to change
i want it to stop
i feel hollow

i turn the radio on and it’s happy christmas and new year
Happy Christmas who too
theres just me i’m so alone
so alone
so alone
so alone
so alone

sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

love it - sorry tregs, i just love you best when you're miserable

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Sad Reg, but so true for too many.

Guest said

Powerful Reg! Very well done. A reminder that there are those not looking forward to the festive season.

Guest said

C'mon, Regs. Let's go to Paul's.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Your all welcome to come over to my place :)

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Cool. The child in the adult is for wonder.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very nice message. Happy holidays to you and yours.

igor's avatar
igor said

I am alone, I am alone. No one comes to me, I froze. But I do not give up, I know: I came here alone, and I'll leave from here alone. ...and: only if alone I'm destined to reach my peak. Who am I?
