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by vaisvil


I Was Blind But Now I See

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Louis was back in the cellar last night and he was telling Reg how Blue he was and they got to jamming……………This morning i arrived at the cellar to find Bon was passed out in the corner….Dave was right with his guess….He could never hold his drink…..I’m trying to bring him round.. but it don’t look good…. his gone a funny grey blueey sort colour…… but if i remember right….. he looked that way when he came down the cellar in first place………..Elvis just lays beside him going ummm…ummum…awwweewah…ummmddeeeddo….. and dribbling it must have been one hell of a night after i left….Louis was no where to be seen……

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

This is what I like........right here......songs of life

twirretwarre's avatar
twirretwarre said

Hello Louis... oh eh sorry, I mean Reg, I was a little confused haha! How could you keep this voice for all song, that is remarkable! :-) When I saw the title I had to think of Amazing Graze,but it was something different, for sure! It is so special! Enjoyed it! :-)

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

my goodness - you've been pouring out music and stories - I can't keep up - I surrender the title of the most prolific composer ever to Reg :-) Man - how did you get the Louis Armstrong voice - oh wow..... And the rock opera people are right - think Rocky Horror Picture Show - if you could get together a script and a vision and sell it you could be set for life. There is no question about you having the talent to pull it off.

cuthbert's avatar
cuthbert said

Great idea here - love the music and vocals. Sounds like it may have been a throat-shredder - hope you kept a glass of water handy while singing!

Guest said

Louis is your half brother from the 3rd inserted mind:)...awesome!

Norm's avatar
Norm said

@ Dave: Why, Louie Armstrong, of course! @ Reg: I don't know brother - your basement is beginning to sound like the bar in Kubrick's "The Shining". I'm beginning to worry about you.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

I really love this ongoing story with these characters....this is really good have a damn rock-opera on you hands here. Drunken ramblings of a madman, long-forgotten rock legends, sadness and the blues, piano bar wisdom, all taking place in a cellar (like where the Beatles got their big break - Lennon in the other corner writing poems?).......its a world I wnat to visit, how can I find this magical cellar? Is there even a known address, or is it in stuff

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

awesome vocals man! cool song.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Louis? who the hell is Louis........sounds like he is a strong-arm kind of guy. He bring his trumpet? What happened to Bon, passed out in the corner no doubt, could never hold his booze could he.
