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by vaisvil


In My Head (Part II)

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A few of you know I accidentally wiped out one of my SD cards that had all my works in progress on it. I’m just starting to piece it all together again - A slow process. This was supposed to be a reprise to “In My Head”, but ended up being in a multi part number I was doing. I messed around with it acoustically last night and just finished it up instead of shelving it again.

My friend Tony put a really nice solo in at the end that eventually blends in with some vocal harmonies. Sweet!

Rhythm: Me
Solo 1: Me
Vox: Me
Solo 2: Tony

In My Head (Part II)

It’s unbelievable
It’s out of sight
Kind of unusual
But it’s alright

I got a little
Song inside my head
I can’t let it out now
So I’ll hum a line instead



I want answers to
I need a reason for
All these questions
That I keep in inside my head

My life is beautiful
Full of surprises
And big disguises
Can’t tell who is who

The devil might get me
On any given day
He’ll come up from behind
And drag me away

But it’s quite all right
My tomorrows are lived today
And if I’m a little worried
I get on my knees and start to pray


K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

..thanks for ye hip sounds and for checking out what I'm doing! :)

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

Thanks much for listening and for the comments.. I'm diggin' ye vibes here. :)

Guest said

Sup Mark?

Guest said

another great acoustic tune! and the voice, crispy and awesome!

Guest said

Where's Baby Green Ernie? What's up Mark? JRR

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool track. I dig your sound mate.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Cool, glad you got the jam on sojourner. I can't wait until the next cd is done. I couldn't take working on the new studio anymore so I hooked up the old one and went back to recording. I've got 50 million ideas built up after not playing for a few weeks, but I did play a lot of acoustic so i'm sure a few of those goodies will make it up soon. Rock on my friend. :)

Guest said

Solid track!!!

Guest said

Thanks man! Its been a while since I wrote anything new. My strings are all gunky haha. Sweet track!

Guest said

I hate to say it, but your guitars tuning drives me insane (in a nice way) but I can hear the song and it's cool. Your vox are very good. Thanks for the compliment on Stromfront, yes, I'm a chorus ho'...;>) Stereo chorus is even better! I use it on guitars & vox (if it's good enough for Ozzy, then...;>)

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

this is very good - like the solid vocal harmonies and leads.

Guest said


Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

In a word..... Killer!!!!!!!!

Guest said

I like consistently like your style of music.

somno project's avatar
somno project said

beautiful song, i liked the recording of the vocals, congrats!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Launched my friend. Well done yet again. I like how you "phrase" you vocals. That's my new word for the month. P.S- "The devil might get me On any given day He'll come up from behind And drag me away"-- love it.

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

I dig this big time bro!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I like the harmonies man. Nice, pleasant vox.

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

bummer about the memory card, I know the feeling, losing songs blows. I like the song, lyrics are awesome too

Norm's avatar
Norm said

The vocal harmony work on this one is right-on!

Guest said

:-( My excellent, eloquent, inspired comment has vanished. I think it was: "Yeah!"

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Nice picking bro. This song is out-of-site, yeahhhhhhhh I like it. It feels like I am peering right into your head with this one. Wild ride. The acoustic treatment for this is perfect, the lyrics really stand on their own here. Deep spook Mark.

The springsteens's avatar
The springsteens said

i like your stuff a lot. i really feel it. well i feel like i do anyway. haha singing in the shower. makes sense, thats where i write my songs. well either that or on the bus.

Guest said

When you began to sing I thought "Ooo". Yes, love the vocal.

Guest said

F yeah! Muy FN Bien!
