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by vaisvil


B-52s Funplex (hangover edit) [remix]

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did a remix of latest B-52s (ex B-52’s) song “Funplex”. i admit i didn’t really take the time to polish this, so it might have some flaws here and there, but it was fun to do and after all, is this not what matters most? :)

and you can listen to the original tune on youbute:

Nøstalgia's avatar
Nøstalgia said

I didnt know we were allowed to post other bands music here, i geuss its oki cuz its ur own remix ja?

Guest said

Pretty fun track!

launched's avatar
launched said

This is cool. I only had the first two albums, which I wore out. Not fond of the post Ricky stuff. Maybe it's time to check 'em out again.

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

interesting, i enjoyed this

Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

@ Norm: honestly so do i. i was a bit disappointed by their EP, actually. and you might wanna surf around, there have been made some seriously good remixes, highly creative..

Guest said

Great mix nice work.

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said


Norm's avatar
Norm said

The B52's have had some classics, but I believe I like your remix better than their release.
