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vaisvil's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by vaisvil



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2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from England……it thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap…..note to self must remember to by that Learn Mandarin language app for the i-pad…

The year of 2011 begins with mudslides in Brazil killing 903
the Tunisian government falls to stop the the revolt
watching the earthquake in Japan opens the eyes to the power of nature
the brave stop the nuclear catastrophe and die slow agonising deaths unseen
The Arab spring begins in Saudi but is stamped out very quickly
the Libyans revolt and Gadaffi try’s to stamp it out the same but the French fighter jets put a stop to that and the oil stops the flow and goes over a100 dollars a barrel
two billion watch William marry Kate
Bin laden is found and killed as Barrack and Hillary watch it on TV
the EU try to rescue Portugal with 78 Billion Euro’s but its not enough
after 20 years they finally catch up with Miladic for the genocide in Kosovo
Chiles Volcano erupts and causes havoc to the airways of south America
the miners are stuck in a mine in Chile come out alive but the one in Wales in England they all die poor sods
wiki leaks embarrass the governments so Julian’s got to go
Disaster in hungry as ALUMINA plant poison with liquid red waste flooding all into the Danube
the Arab spring spreads to Syria and many run to turkey to get away from it
the first artificial windpipe is installed through stem cell magic
NASA says goodbye to the space shuttle
the first solar powered craft is sent to Jupiter
a British couple win 160 million euros on the european lottery
july the 22nd a killer on the loose in Norway
the next day Amy’s found dead in her London home
a Zanzibar ferry sinks and kills 240 people
with 434 dead the UN launches a 357 million dollar campaign to help with the floods in Pakistan
ETA declares an end to its 43 year campaign against the Spanish government
a huge earthquake hit sTurkey killing 604 and possibly more unfound
Mr Fox has to leave for helping his best man or was it his boyfriend a little too much
Gadaffi is found in the sewage drain hiding like a rat and beaten then shot to death in the street
the leaders of the world smile with glee and another oil field is there for you and me
Tripoli is free?
10 years to move Gypsy’s is finally done
then an Indian summer, oh two weeks of sun, 29 degrees in October a record was struck in England
the the heat exchanged to Europe after the Euro nearly broke its back
Greece goes under followed quickly by Portugal and Ireland and italy
sending shivers of a world wide slide
rioting displeasure of the cuts spilled out onto the streets
Europe increases its bail out fund to a trillion euros but it’s still not enough
the population of the world reaches 7 billion
mass protests in Syria so they start killing on the streets the ones that are brave enough to stand
Afghanistan still rages and more brave men die and get decapitated
Wooten Bassett in England welcomes them home gives the dead some decency
Murdoch and the phones gets a shake and Murdoch gets a cake in the face in the commons
in Somalia there starving its the worst in 20 years
the civil war in Mogadishu is the bloody cause
London starts burning because a policeman shot Mark
the looters hit the shops are caught and many are jailed in mass
comedian David Williams swam the river Thames getsa stomach bug and polluts the river more than it is but raises a million pounds
Micheal takes too much medication and doesn’t wake up and his doctor is blamed and is sentenced to jail
UBS loose 1.3 Billion pounds one of it’s traders, quako is chosen to take the blame
Amanda over there in Italy is cleared of the murder of Meridith and released after 4years
Steve loses his battle the liver cancer it gets him no amount of money can save him
the countries of the union all disagree so there is still no answer to the Euro as it stalls
they all look to Merkel but what can she do, what she tries the English veto
Now we’re out in the cold the years that will follow will tell us if cameron was right or wrong
the recession is felt all over the world homeless camps in America spring up as thousands of homes are reposed to rot
the economic woes are as over ripe as rotting fruit as the debt crisis hangs over us all
the world of sport is rocked by betting scandals in cricket where cricketers are jailed for fixing the games
the press is in the spotlight, the power of them is shook the cavalier approach to truth is finally questioned
mass protest in Russia has Putin fixed the rules and pushed it too far
Kim Jong dies does disaster beckon in north Korea
the middle east peace process goes on and on
unesco accept palestine as a member
the US declare the end of the war in Iraq
Iran in there sights for their nuclear ambition
the tropical storm Tokelau kills thousands in the Philippines
sameo and Tokelau miss the 30th December to put them in the right alignment in the time line
That was 2011

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Guest said

Quite a summary - I didn't notice it was a particularly vile year, I guess every year is just, varied! Very interesting track!

Guest said

And my nephew was born, so...

henwrench's avatar
henwrench said

A stunner. Love this.

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

very good - very very good!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Sorta puts a bit of a gloom over everything. I'll miss the Shuttle program.

Guest said

always dig your style man, Hippy Nude Year Reg !

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

awesome, well done!

Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

it's true, 2011 sucked a lot of the time. but 2012 is going to be a great one :) happy new years everyone!

Guest said

Amen to that! Well done Regs! Happy New Year!

Guest said

Yep, that pretty much sums up the year! Happy new year Trevor! Brilliant as always:)

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

*F'N HEAVY, dude* Here's to 2012!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

It sure was one hell of a year. Cheer Trev.

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Well done Reg. It was a shitty year for sure. In Canada, we lost 3 hockey players to (alleged) suicide over the summer and then a plane crashed killing an entire Russian hockey team. 2012 can only get better.

Guest said

An amazing redo of the 365. Very thoughtful. All lined up like that its enlightinig.
