Comments on kirklynch's stuff

kirklynch's avatar
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Soulful pickin'!

kirklynch's avatar
Another of my kinda ambient things. Goes on too long and needs a melody, but was fun to get lost in while doing it
the F7 project's avatar
the F7 project said

Thank you, Kirk for helping me to 'escape reality' for a bit. I am in awe of the wide range of styles over which you are a master. Wonderful stuff!

kirklynch's avatar
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
tim mcfate's avatar
tim mcfate said

great opening notes. so clear. direct or mic?

kirklynch's avatar
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Excellent! Got me playin' air guitar. I can almost see your fingers.

kirklynch's avatar
What happened after too much time on youtube watching live vids of "voodoo chile" Noisy obnoxious and very cathartic for me! Live to 2tracks with the Jamman
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Please Sir, can I have some more.

kirklynch's avatar
Just a day with the looper back in 2007
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Oh and this one too...

kirklynch's avatar
One of the first electric jam things I did after getting back into recording about the end of 2006
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Nice guitar playin'. I'm Dl'ing this one for my next road trip. : ) Thanks

kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
eshar's avatar
eshar said

There is a real hypnotic quality to this track.

kirklynch's avatar
A simple solo acoustic guitar track for a dear departed four legged friend. Written 2005. Recorded Jan 9 2009.
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

A master no doubt!

kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

Glorious Music indeed!

kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

Great stuff here! Love those pipes.

kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
lam's avatar
lam said

I wish I could make a kickbut western cowboy film, this song would go verywell with a showdown:)

kirklynch's avatar
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009
lam's avatar
lam said

Wow, very nice:) Perfect night song..

kirklynch's avatar
the first multi track piece that I actually finished "in the box" in Cubase. An ambient kinda thing that grew out of playing around with the Line 6 DL4. Not sure I like the bow parts, but I may re do it later
ic42's avatar
ic42 said

he is on the job. a dusty trail that leads to a million nowheres. somewhere out there, the hacker wreaks havoc on another outpost. he is on the trail. he is on the hunt. the hacker cannot escape this time. the cyber cowboy tilts his hat. he licks his lips. this one is coming down. it will be a good day. skillfully played cyber-western-electronica. 0x0

kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
dirtypictures's avatar
dirtypictures said

Wow. Lovely, makes me miss old Ireland.

kirklynch's avatar
A simple solo acoustic guitar track for a dear departed four legged friend. Written 2005. Recorded Jan 9 2009.
Guest said

This absolutely lifts me. I love your music, thanks for sharing it.

kirklynch's avatar
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009
polymood's avatar
polymood said

Very well done. Beautifull.

kirklynch's avatar
Straight ahead stone city electric blues for an old friend who used to spend hours spinning BB King and Mike Bloomfield records for me. Recorded back sometime at the end of 2006 on old analog equipment
eshar's avatar
eshar said

A fine piece of work...great playing.

kirklynch's avatar
Rough sketch of a proposed dreamy 12 string piece that I couldn't pull off on the 12 string so did this quick electric version with vocal pads. Not sure of the recording quality- sounds OK in my cans and kinda crappy on my monitors. Recorded march…
eshar's avatar
eshar said

gentle and soothing....just makes me want to hit the play button over and over again.

kirklynch's avatar
Something completely different- Uilleann pipes(Irish bagpipes) and synth. I wrote this tune over 20 years ago in the style of traditional Irish slow airs. It was recorded way back in 1991 for an album that's been out of print for over 15 years…
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

thank you kirklynch for your encouraging comments... makes me wanna compose more!
