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Richard L. Aceves's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by richardlaceves


Thirst (RPM Track 07)

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Poor old Reg is finally dry but all he dreams of is his thirst…………..
Thirst (Lyrics)
Now i’m dry i just feel thirsty
all i dream of is a drink
nothing seems to matter
all i crave
is the drink
now the days all drift into one
now the hard times have really come
i feel so down, deflated
i feel like life is passing by fast
i’m so thirsty
so thirsty
oh yeah
all i dream is of drink
if i could have one thing
i’d go back
not do it so hard so i could still play
but now everything is empty
like a dry lake
nothing but the dry mud
and the rock hard stones
i dream
of the drink
nothing but the drink
since i’ve been dry
everything seems empty
since i’ve been dry
everything seems dull
everything’s in focus
i feel so down
i feel empty like the empty bottles, sitting on the side, That i keep to remind me i’m dry
so dry
so dry
and i all i do is dream of thirst

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

Regg, sometimes i feel like you have been following me around, else how could u know how i feel at times? love your imagery ,, most excellent

Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

i feel empty like the empty bottles... brilliant bro !

Guest said

minumalist magic. i am thinking, Southern Comfort

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Dynamics of your vocals shine thru on these stripped down songs. Nice harp playin....Dylanesque.
