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Richard L. Aceves's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by richardlaceves


Don't look ahead

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Not sure where I was going with this, but it ended up quite dreary for what I thought were quite motivating lyrics.

Watch this space, it may well appear again with more upbeat music.


I choose the light to drive away the darkness
Choose to take flight, exceed all my dreams

My inner voice chooses to motivate
I find my choices guide me to my destiny

Don’t look ahead
Live in the moment

Don’t look ahead
It’s all in the moment
Don’t look ahead
It’s all in the moment

By choice, not chance, make your own changes
Your own resistance will forever bind you

Don’t look ahead
Live in the moment

Don’t look ahead
It’s all in the moment
Don’t look ahead
It’s all in the moment

It’s always now, it’s always now
It’s always now, it’s always now

So choose the light to drive away your darkness
Choose to take flight, exceed all your dreams

Don’t look ahead
Live in the moment

Don’t look ahead
It’s all in the moment
Don’t look ahead
It’s all in the moment

Don’t look ahead
It’s all in the moment
Don’t look ahead
It’s all in the moment

Enjoy! xOx

darkarma's avatar
darkarma said

nice work

paquidermeescarlate's avatar
paquidermeescarlate said

Enjoyed every second of your music...

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

I totally dig this trippy groove. Great vocal work, and fab mix-down job. Rock on!

rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Hi Lady, thanks for the offer of beepy bits. Likewise, if you need any dubby/funky bass or geetar... This tune's growing on me, by the way. Sometimes I'm a bit too quick with my verdicts! :)x

Guest said

Right up my alley! Love the twisty feel - wonderful vocal and haunting harmonies. Completely inventive. Amazing!

Guest said

Dreary it is not! I think your music is really perky. Nice tight harmonies too.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I see what you mean about the motivating lyrics and how it ended up. But it really works like this. And like others have said, the harmony vocals are fabulous.

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

yes quite a curious piece,,, a very very evocative work, i like this,,, i think it is a piece that passes into the a world that is perhaps not best described in musical terms but rather in terms of colors or emotions or temperatures or truly not sure how to express what i want to about this,, except well done of course, and keep it up,,, r

Groove Penguin's avatar
Groove Penguin said

great percussion and vocals!

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

oh vocal harmonies to die for....

jip's avatar
jip said

A curious song there Jane. I like the variety and harmonies. x

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

very interesting, it has that quirky and droning Brian Eno quality to it. I like it.
