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Richard L. Aceves's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by richardlaceves


The Rising Sun>

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No Ducks were hurt or killed during the production of this tune, unless eaten and thoroughly enjoyed

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Quack quack BANG!!!"........a great listen on this sunny Sunday morning

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very nice guitar sounds and vocals!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

The gunshot makes me smile everytime

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

:) I almost put best subject matter for a song but that would have to go to Phonus Interuptus (spelling?) I love that song, actually best mix should go to all your recordings...your songs always sound so damn good!

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Thanks for the listen an comments guys. MTC - awesome, my first music award! :) I would Like to thank Mallard, Drake, Browning....

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Congrats!!! You have just won an M.T.C Music award!!! AWARD: Best mix

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate very cool. And it was a pan flute I used, thanks for your comment mate. This is really good mate.

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

great chords on this track man. about buffalo bill: i used the Line6 POD Farm program, and i think the settings were a Plexi Lead 100 head, classic distortion pedal, rotary drum+horn effect (may have been Phaser instead), and 'medium hall.' thanks for your comment.

loucollins's avatar
loucollins said

Gorgeous. Your tune I take it? Lovely. Thanks, too for your kind words about my stuff. I've put up some more as well. Keep at it.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Oh! And hope your hand is healing up good!!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks budddddy. I had the bright idea to delete all the tracks,but the albums and have a clean slate this year...then realized..I should have left a bunch of them up. Oh well ha ha :)

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said


Guest said

Lovely vocal, I enjoyed the spoken words too. Generally I really like it, just against blood sports. @ @ Sister, I will speak to you later, Miss!

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Hi John, Ediacaran Garden's mp3 is the default output of Sibelius composition software with their default guitar sound. I agree it sounds pretty good.

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

really cool, really creative,, great piece, and that's coming from a vegetarian,,sort of feels similar to how i used to feel going out to stalk my basil plants in the morning,, hope you are getting better R

hojorising's avatar
hojorising said

Atta Boy Reefwalker! You are currently Kicking Ass!!!!!!!!!!!

lam's avatar
lam said

Very Deep Guitar.. and set slow with the word's..

lam's avatar
lam said

Great mix and guitar

lam's avatar
lam said

Very well Blended, like the vocal's, and the way it all comes together...

OHHO's avatar
OHHO said

A song about duck hunting. Ha! Pretty cool, nicely done.

Guest said

Awesome tune!

Guest said

Great listen, nice changes of sound. Top quality vocals that reminded me in parts of the Alabama Three

beetle's avatar
beetle said

Love the rich

Guest said

Dreamy and cool with an exceptionally delish vocal! Yum! (Obv. the "yum" was with reference to the duck, if my mother is looking.)

Guest said

really cool! like that gun shot at the end!

hojorising's avatar
hojorising said

Very Smooth sounds! Quite an abrupt ending........ Atta Boy Reefwalker!!!!!!!

hojorising's avatar
hojorising said

Bruce, I love this track! Welcome back to AT and to Pro Tools 9 Brother!!!!!!!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

First off, damn sad about the finger. I cannot relate to cutting it off, but I can relate to burning the skin off ( dishwasher incident of 2010- of smashing it flat @ work) so I do understand what you have been going through. It really sucks man. Second amazing track. Vocals spot on, mix is great, and very glad to see your new track up on A.T. Third-ly :) any time you might be in or passing through this area...or meeting up in carlsbad we have to meet up and jam, --- or if I am in that area on vacation--also have a good friend in denver who jams a mean piano/harmonica we have to get something going. Killer track bud, and hope you heal up quick and get the music flowing. Best Wishes your way! -JG

Guest said

Good one.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

"No ducks were hurt or killed during the production of the tune" is perhaps more of a reflection of your shooting skills as opposed to your musical skills. ;) I’m glad your finger is better – I misunderstood how it was hurt. Garcia never let something as trivial as a finger slow him down either.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

I agree with the voice comments...fantastic.

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Man I just *love* your voice. The music and mood is great - but you have a great voice. Bummer on the injury.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Oh, this is priceless! Where do I start? 1. I'm sorry to hear you got punched in the nose. 2. Get your camo off and head over to my house- I have the orange sauce waiting and the grill is hot. 3. Either those are field recordings or your calling is even better than I remember. 4. The first 3 shots were yours, which was always your way of saying "uh, guys, there's some Sprigs overhead..". The last shot, of course mine - which actually produced a Sprig. Excellent! Very clever.

crackitopen's avatar
crackitopen said

Great sound!Like he beat..the talk over...nice
