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Richard L. Aceves's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by richardlaceves


Charcoal Essex Park

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Sentiments I think most of us feel at one time or another.

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

magical. Love the arrangement and the emotion captured.

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

Hi again friend,, i was walking around my house, doing some chores,, when i realized that what i ment to say earlier is that as musicians we are both trying to speak from the heart( it definitely shows in your music), and that as far as im concerned is all that really matters, that and having a good time,,,, ah well back to my chores Richard

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very pretty friend,, thanks for you kind comments,, by the way,, i personally don't feel that any one kind of music is "better" or more "talented" than any other,, personally i enjoy your music very much,, and i know that there's a lot that i can learn from your music,,,, hey i happen to notice that you and i shared a pod cast on rpm last year,,pretty cool huh?

Guest said

Accordian?? Fantastic!

rob mills's avatar
rob mills said

Brilliant lyrics. Beautiful song
