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Richard L. Aceves's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by richardlaceves



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Felt the need to go back to something more sound driven.

I’ve been learning a lot of new Jazz chords and wondered what they might sound like as pads. I ended up creating a device chain in Ableton Live featuring Alchemy, Omnisphere, and Absynth.

That’s kind of massively overdoing things because any one of those three synths sounds good but it didn’t take me long to find interesting, characteristic, sounds from each of them that blended together nicely and created a good soundscape.

Given the power in those three synths I didn’t feel the need to add much in the way of effects to the output. But I am using several instances of CamelSpace to pan things around in, hopefully, interesting ways. I’ve no headphones at the moment but I hope it could be interesting.

Lastly I added my old favourite, The Finger, on a return track and generated some MIDI to drive it. Then I automate sending some of the dry signal through the effect to periodically create a glitchy topping.

The whole lot gets fed through Audio Damage Eos to create a space big enough for it breath in.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

You always inspire my ambient side. Massive wall of sound.

Guest said

I've got sharks swimming through a sunken wreck. Clever and weirdly atmospheric!

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very nice sound space,, the sounds do pan well through my speakers (just got a new set, and this sounds really cool),, i am always impressed by the range for music/sound/feelings found on alonetone,, from my old piano plunking to your spatial symphony,, through the great guitar and vocals,, so much here to enjoy,, anyhow well played

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Wow this is unreal mate eerie sounds great track. Thanks for your comments mate.

Guest said

Stop motion! Stop motion!

Guest said

The more I hear this, the more inspired I am to do something really sinister.

Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Billowy. Those sounds layered quite nicely!

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

great dream ambient

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Yeah man. Crunchy!

Guest said

Chilling and charismatic. Love all the different elements that force unsettling images in to my mind. Dark steps down shiney corridors, naked lightbulbs swinging from decaying ceilings... Okay, maybe I don't "love" that, but I'm definitely impressed by it! I think the Brothers Quay will be after you.

Big Joe Silence's avatar
Big Joe Silence said

loving the sounds and atmosphere. i gotta listen again.

Guest said

What a blend dude! Great software!
