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Richard L. Aceves's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by richardlaceves


Calling All Conundrums

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My first composition that uses an odd time signature for a few measures. My drum fills are also more elaborate. It’s just a little tune to bob your head to, tap your toe, you know, the good stuff!

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

yes this is the good stuff!!

alexisfromtexas's avatar
alexisfromtexas said

Love this bass lead and beat. Makes me want to get something done... Thanks for the comment on "That's When You'll Know". Yes, does go into the red on the chorus. This was recorded on 24 track in '81. The tapes had turned gooey by the time I could take possession of them, so don't know how to fix that problem now.

launched's avatar
launched said

Love the bass line to this!

Guest said

Haha. I used some samples of disco drums from my old keyboard for my latest track. They might be overcompressed. The track sounded really good to me last night before I uploaded it. Upon listening some more to it I hear room for improvement. I like to experiment with sounds that I previously would have skipped right over, i.e. disco drums. I hope I did Jimi a little bit of justice with this here little homage.

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

nice title- nice groove -yeah. 1:37 makes me smile big ; D Thanks for the comments/interest. I am teaching some art and music to little munchkins three and a half days per week. For years, I taught visual arts studies o the university level. More soon, friend.

Lord Sluk's avatar
Lord Sluk said


K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

calling all conundrums indeed! thanks. ...beautiliscious!

yahondu's avatar
yahondu said

yeah! that was fun!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Enjoyed this. What time signature are you experimenting with?

Uncle's avatar
Uncle said

Hey Adam! Happy to hear you again! Nice rhythms. Bass power!

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Very COOL track! OMG - SUPER FINE! btw - we used to live in Cincinnati (Yikes) w;-)

Guest said

love the bass.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool track! must have been a blast to do
