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Richard L. Aceves's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by richardlaceves


Picking The Shroom

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Well Reg got to thinking about his Hippie past and that its nearly time to go mushroom picking again before that first frost…………i had nothing to do with it by the way….i’m innocent your honor ……Honest “Guv”….
Picking the Shroom (Lyrics)
the clock is ticking its almost dawn
It’s time to go to the moors once more
october the time for the shroom to rise
for it to be picked to enter the mind

the morn is misty spooky too
but we don’t care cause we can see he moon
we climb the hills, we wander the dales
to find that hill that will tell the tale

there we find one sitting up proud
we grab it and clutch its sweet shiny shroud
we bag it and look for the traces of more
on this path of the misty moor

are you coming picking
are you coming with me
we go out there early and see what we see
by breakfast we’ll be of to jupiter and mars we wont care cause we’ll be off to the stars

i like to get up early when were picking the shroom
i like to be able to still see the moon
to realize that the caveman before he picked the shroom to see that bit more
picked the shroom to see that bit more

are you coming
are you coming
coming with me
we’ll go out here early and see what we see

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I nearly missed this too! Superb.

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Ooh they all say that, sorry you're guilty of being spaced out :)

The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

I can relate to this ... always was a bit of a hippy!!

igor's avatar
igor said

I don't get up early, It's almost as dusk I collect fireflies, As shooting stars, I put them to the bag To spill them to the black sky When gets dark When gets dark

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

wo,,,stories, images,, fairy tales indeed,,, nicely done!

Guest said

Oooo eerie! Nice minimal tinkly, music and quirky lyrics.

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Shroom n' gloom! Man brings me back to a party at a mansion back in the day. Woke up in an empty bedroom on a hardwood floor and my shoe as a pillow! Nice imagery you created here. Has a Door'sy vibe.

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Would you like a cup of tea?
