Artists that match "short"
Tracks that match "short"
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw…
No one ever rocks in 3/4 time. This is a cheesy attempt to do just that. I woke up one morning with the music for this pretty much complete in my head. I recorded the rhythm guitars and vocals over a simple drum and bass loop. When I went…
The last of the original 29 Navajo Code Talkers died not long ago. Go look them up if you don't know the story. These were some of the finest men to ever serve.
Boys were dying across the ocean
Words were stolen, and codes…
Well it's been a long while (as seems to be the pattern lately) and I was inspired by Greg and Ron's new songs.... Then I saw a lovely note from the Proods saying "I must have been writing during this crazy time" - so I had to respond with something…
This Is a short prayer of petition to Our Lord that translated from Latin means “Lord Jesus, heal me”. I recorded it with my Martin HD 28, capo on the 4th fret.
Ok, this now relatively short piece started out much longer; almost two hours. The sounds were obtained by placing two contact mics at different points around the rim of a circular light fixture in my apartment ceiling to get sounds created by…
Lap steel through pitch to midi interface into Pure Data with two short looping tables. Art reflecting the times.
More MIDI. Janky note transitions and too short, but I'm satisfied with the general mood.
The one truth to me about music is how it can take me from a pit of despair to a place of hope in such a short period of time. So when you sit down to write a song and let out whatever is in your heart at that time, you are truly The Optimist…
Lyrics by Dale Houstman
Music and production by Kavin.
Mastered by Clint Niosi
"There Are More Important Things in Life Than Living"
dedicated to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick
There are pleasures we shall never meet again
as we drop our lovers…
The first May 2020 Music project song to be finished.
I did the RPM Challenge in February.
In March I did another one... just because.
In April I did the COVID-19 RPM Challenge Bonus edition.
In May I am doing another one... just because…
I came dangerously close to calling this ABACAB, and also to having the song form be ABACAB. Bullet dodged? I was noodling out the bass line and drum parts on my iPad and I had three sections. I couldn't decide which one had the better hook…
3 short violin phrases processed in Pure Data using a tape patch with low oscillators at 8 sec intervals. For Sound-In Phase 1