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Playlist cover


by vaisvil


Hear Me Out

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I had some fun this afternoon with a bluesy tune - and ran out of time for singing and my vocals are not good - wanna try?

I need to remember to tune my guitars down when I want to sing - that would make my life easier.

Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

great tune like always Vaisvil

launched's avatar
launched said

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!! Badass, bro - Vocals rock, case closed. Love it!

Norm's avatar
Norm said

The guitar, bass and trap-set are working well together on this. I like it! If that's not enough to make her stay, you are better off without her. Didn't I already add percussion to this? Yep - that's definately my head banging against the wall in the back-ground.

Guest said

This is a great bluesy tune Chris. Well, whatever you think of your vocal, you certainly put it across.

Guest said

Massive sonar layers of guitar's. vocal's a tight and well put. Faved!

Guest said

cool tune. the vocals sound pretty fng to me.
