Artists that match "short"
Tracks that match "short"
First song I wrote for FAWM '21, just wanted to upload something here before FAWM '22 kicks off to make sure everything is working.
Song was inspired by the Wall St. Bets drama that unfolded last January, and feels a bit quaint now. Where…
Short and sweet like the apple pie! I always do a collab every year with our senior songwriter (Mr Cooperider aged 85) . I'm getting on a bit myself but he gives me the inspiration that i can bug you all for many more years to come! Ukulele…
The EMS Synthi AKS is a 1970's synth, well known for sci-fi and absolutely crazy sounds, but it is also capable of beauty. This short piece is based around a patch from Arturia's emulation of the AKS, their Synthi V, called Early Spring.
So... I entered RPM 2022 and experienced a double-whammy - A massive influx of work and a prolonged period of absolutely no inspiration or creativity! So this is only the second track of a project that's now likely to be an EP rather than an album…
Song #4 of the 2022 RPM Challenge.
I like this one. If this were a real album and I had to pick a single for release this one would be on the short list. Even if it is in 6/4 time and GarageBand's drummers almost always put a pointless crash…
Song #6 for the 2022 RPM Challenge.
Guitarmonies AND a drum solo? Sure, why not?
This one is okay, I guess. Like most of the songs I am working on this month it's really short and kind of mediocre. Not bad, just not that good. Kind of…
Carmen cut her trip short to come home to Waldo faster. She finds his note about trying to see the world for her.
I don’t know why you would leave
I think you feel you’ve got something to prove
I know I was supposed to be gone for sometime…
Well, my entry for RPM 2022 went from LP to (a very short) 4 song EP but this track I think has bags of potential. It was a discarded idea from a few years ago that was lurking in my 'half-baked' Logic folder but something in it ignited my creative…
Bit the apple through the core, then made sure to taste the poison
You can’t fare thee well no more, when you’re out on the horizon’s edge
Don’t stare at the sun, an Icarus flight, we’re all meant to come, back down.
Shoot an arrow off…
This year's submission for the RPM Challenge ( Yes, it's just one song this year, and yes, it's short. The simpler I try to make it, the more difficult it becomes. Just like relationships. On the plus side, it's one of the…
Every night, every night I pray
Good Lord gives me another day
Find it in your heart
Give me another start
This I pray, every day
We can never change the past.
Try to make the good times last
Life can pass us by
very fast, and that…
I wrote and recorded the rhythm guitars and bass over some canned drums, with the initial intention of using the track on my solo EP. When it looked like that one was going to be more of a collection of electronic textures, I opted to record some…
And I build a rainbow
All our lights shimmering
All the time we share is true
All our hearts glimmering
Beats reverberating sound
Send a hope to the sky
Feel it echo back to you
Share a piece of your light
And I build a rainbow
We need…
I Hope I Love Them - A A J Russe
Written sometime in 1989
Recorded 2nd March 2022
The Shoebox Demos Vol 1
This one has tugged at me for many many years.
I absolutely adored it from the moment I wrote it in 1989... But I thought…