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Love Simulacra (single edit) by Bilian

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This song was created by Bilian and is track 5 of the multimedia anthology, Foreshadows: The Ghosts of Zero. This song inspired a story of the same name, written by Joe Rixman. Learn more at and check out the video (which includes lyrics) below!

The Very Us Artists's avatar
The Very Us Artists said

For those who'd like to see lyrics, just watch the video with Annotations on. It views better right on YouTube, (because some words get cut off when the video is shrunk down, as it is seen here on Alonetone.)

angie fights crime's avatar
angie fights crime said

sounds like a very cool project!

issleneandleo's avatar
issleneandleo said

very cool!

Guest said

Awesome track - lyrics, PLEASE!

Guest said

Loving the synths and vocals. Good job!

Guest said

Cool tune, very impressive.

Guest said

Wow, great song!

Guest said

Yeah, very nice guys!

Guest said

Love it!

AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

This rocks - I'm hearing a strong New Order/Depeche Mode vibe to this.
