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AMUC's Favorite tracks on alonetone




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When I was a boy, I would ring my nan on the telephone
Numbers in the holes
Spin it round then let it go
I carry a phone in my pocket
Oh stop it!
Oh where will it end?

When I was a lad
Used a notepad when I wrote thank you notes.
Now I simply text aunty ‘thanks aunt
for my coat’
I use my thumbs to say thank you
No thank you!
Oh where will it end?

The middle eights about the week long wait for the next episode,
and how nowadays the wait equates to waiting for the stream to load.
And how my daughter doesnt know what it is to look forward to a show.
And that was basically it if you were wondering how the middle eight might go.

When I didn’t know I would ask my friends and neighbours too
If they didn’t know it would stay stuff I never knew
I google it up
My best friends are search engines
Oh where will it end?

There’s a lady lives in my house inside an ‘Echo Dot’
‘Echo Dot’s a speaker that can speak
Stop! What the what?!
There’s robots on shelves.
What the hecks up Alexa?
Oh where will it end?

Letter Seventeen's avatar
Letter Seventeen said

The middle eight here is brilliant.

AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

I love the lyrics -- it brought a big, goofy smile to my face.

Guest said

Sounds great. (Reminds me of Harry Nilsson.) Well done.
