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This is the 9th song in my album, Edolian, where I incrementally go from 1 to 31 EDO.

So, this song is interesting. I used every note from 9EDO in this piece, and I kind of wanted a more jazz-esque vibe in this. While it isn’t the exact vibe I was going for, I think it still sounded alright. Chords in 9EDO are interesting, as the fifths in 9EDO are more comparable to tritones than to actual fifths, which makes harmony a bit harder. They work well with minor chords though, so in this piece you’ll see a lot more minor chords than major ones. Also, thanks to the music theory youtube channel 12tone for making a video on walking bass and the 32-bar form, because otherwise I wouldn’t know how to make this sound at all how I wanted it to.

Now is the part where I talk about the next song, which will be in 10EDO. 10EDO is effectively 5EDO with half-steps, which gives me the idea of having a melody in 5EDO and then transferring it up and down 1 half step as I’d think that’d sound pretty cool. However, I may do something different, so we’ll see what happens tomorrow.

Track created on 2020/10/9
