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This is the 5th track in my album, Edolian, where I go through every EDO from 1 to 31 incrementally.

So, this track is in 5edo (finally not a subset of 12edo), and I really like how it turned out. 5edo is cool in that you can only really do quartal and secundal harmony, not tertial harmony like we’re used to. This can create some relatively interesting harmonies and melodies. I also made this song in 13/8, which is a pretty interesting time signature. I came up with 13/8 from doing subdivisions of 3-3-3-4. This song specifically also turned out in a way I didn’t expect, it created a more winter-y vibe when I was thinking of a more eastasian-type thing. Still, it sounds pretty good, although that is a given as it’s basically impossible to be dissonant in 5EDO.

Track created on 2020/10/5
