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Microtonal Music

by vaisvil


Kandahar Poppies

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I think this is final version of my 4th MOTU demo

  • I will see what comments I get, if any.

This is a short, more or less middle eastern-ish piece using the Zurna tuning and Mark of the Unicorn Ethno 2 sample set in Sonar. I performed (and midi recorded) the bass, guitars, and bouzouki with my guitar via GR-20

Rubber's avatar
Rubber said

I want some of that sweet sap! JRR

Guest said

hmm poppy...doesn't pink floyd talk about that alot in their songs?

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

I like this... i not sure however what the stringed instrument in the lead is? or supposed to be

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Suprise: much shorter than your typical pieces. Not a suprise: Once again, you stretch out to genres 3 clicks beyond the Bell Curve. Is there anything you can't tackle?? Nice work!

Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

wow very well done

Guest said

Woah, way cool mesh of cultures!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

What I find interesting here is the Zurna is Turkish. America buys it's poppy from Turkey. Perhaps the answer to Afgan Economics is for America to buy poppy in Kandanar. Good idea. Thought inspiring piece.
