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Playlist cover

Microtonal Music

by vaisvil


Semimarvelous Blue Drawf

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This is a solo piano piece performed on a M-Audio 88es driving pianoteq which was re-tuned to Gene Ward Smith’s 17 per octave equal beating dwarf(<17 27 40|). The piece was originally recorded in pianoteq using the standalone mode and then brought into Sonar 8.5 to edit some stray notes, change a chord, and correct some timing issues (some of those still exist).

I am finding this tuning to be really rich with extended chords and I’m enjoying the time I have been spending with it. If you want to see the guts of the tuning go to here:

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Crunchy! Bravo!

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

This track has a strange but compelling kilter! Very cool stuff!

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Thanks once again for stretching my ear's ability to appreciate alternate tunings. You have always been on the cutting edge of this aspect of music. A rare perspective indeed, and, in contrast to the blue dwarf, fully marvelous.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Enjoying these pieces of yours in alternate tunings. Some of this reminds me of early blues recordings where certain notes were played "out of tune" because that's the way the players heard those notes. Cool stuff!

Guest said

There's a real warmth to this - an unsettling warmth. Some of the runs remind me of church bells. Very clever.
