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Good Luck with That

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I had planned for more pieces for this song but it was late and I was tired so I quit while I was ahead. The next day i stitched together the few riffs I had into a song structure and decided it was set. Then as I was recording the leads I decided that it needed an ending, specifically an ending that made no sense. Done and done.

I really have no idea what the lyrics are about. I think I knew what I was writing them, but I can’t remember. The heavy rhythm guitar is my ES-335. The leads and the clean rhythm parts are my Stratocaster.

good luck with that
hope it all comes out okay
have fun with it
doesn’t really matter anyway

my best to you
hope it all goes well today
hats off to you
there is nothing more for me to say

so much time
off my mind
not worth a dime
all left behind

dust and bones
you hear the groans
no words to say
just go away
