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Playlist cover

igor's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by igor


Don't let Donald play

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He can’t play nicely or share his toys
He always takes from the other boys
Got no time for music or vids
Doesn’t act like the other kids
Does Donald

Don’t let Donald play
He’s gonna spoil your day
Believe his words if you must
But only in god do we trust

He likes to look at the pretty girls
Short skirts and the baton twirls
He thinks he’s special just like a king
Nod his head and buy anything

Don’t let Donald play

Doesn’t care what it takes to win
Don’t like those with a different skin
So many people wanna see him go
But they won’t bet cos he owns the casino

Don’t let Donald play
He’s gonna spoil your day
Believe his words if you must
But only in god do we trust

Guest said

I hear you, brother.

doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

Thank you fairynuff!

doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

Thanks Tom, I appreciate your comments. Mixing and cutting loops to make a tune is easier for me than singing. I think I need more help than a bit of echo. Talking Heads were fun and wacky, a bit different, so I'm happy if I remind you of them.

Tom's avatar
Tom said

A nice Talking Heads-esque biting commentary on The Donald. I consider myself a guitarist first and so my ear is always initially drawn in that direction and I like what you have going on here on that instrument. I also think the drums, vocals, and bass are nicely intertwined and complement each other well. Another fav, Steve!
