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igor's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by igor


Standards New New 100213

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Capo at 5 - playing in Am position

I got my standards.
Oh, yes, I do
Don’t allow no smoking
No tobacco chew
Don’t allow no boozin’
Don’t allow no grass
If I catch you hurting yourself again
I’ll leave your ass

Oh, yeah, you’re pretty
and yes, you’re smart
Oh, yeah you gotta hold of
A little piece of my heart
But I’ll stand tall
I won’t dribble the ball
If I catch you cutting yourself
That’s all

That’s what Ill tell her/Yes I will

I’ve got my standards
I keep ‘em high
It keeps me healthy
Keeps my powder dry
Won’t take me long
If you do me wrong
I’ll get my guitar out
and put you in a song
That’s what Ill tell her. Yes I will

I got my standards
Oh, Yes I do
Don’t allow…well, a little smokin’
Maybe a bit of chew
A little boozin’
Maybe a little grass
But If I catch you hurtin’ yourself again…

That’s what I’ll tell her….

© 2014 Royal T Music

She was driving down from Lubbock one night. My excitement wained when she showed up with a boy friend. We sang and played and recorded and she drank wine and smoked and drank more wine and smoked some more. How can yoga instructors be so careless? Eventually,I got her mixed up, in my mind, with a Midland poet named Shannon who was a cutter. But the portrait is of my weenie self.

Guest said

Neil Young vibe , very cool song.

Vestigial Remorse's avatar
Vestigial Remorse said

Hilarious! awesome style!
