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igor's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by igor


Four Chords and Penelope

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This is my second piece for the RPM challenge… And it’s a big milestone for me… the first time I ever played my own instrument along with it! It’s rough, but you gotta keep trying and start somewhere, right? Greg Connor… you’ll understand the lyrics…

Four Chords and Penelope
© 2015 Colleen Dillon

I wanted to play a six string
And I had one in the stand
But I couldn’t get the hang of it
So I couldn’t join the band

I thought my music was over
I couldn’t sing and play
Then Penelope arrived for me
I started to learn that day

Four chords and a strum or two
Was all I had to learn
Penelope see’s me through
When my fingers start to burn

Four chords and a melody
Penelope strums along
She’s come to be a friend to me
And now I sing this song

Penelope has just four strings
Her neck is thin and tan
She’s beautiful with her inlays
And I’m a member of her band

Four chords and a strum or two
Was all I had to learn
Penelope is my uke
And she makes my fingers burn

Four chords and a melody
Penelope strums along
She’s making me young and free
And for her I write this song

Penelope is my uke
Her sound is sun and sand
Relaxed and free how I like to be
I’m a member of her band

Four chords and a melody
Penelope strums along
She’s making me young and free
And for her I write this song

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Hi, Colleen. I love the ukulele. nice progress. Penelope sounds sweet

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great lyrics like it.

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

Excellent. Oozing charm. Love the lyrics

Guest said

Great song for a great instrument!

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This one is a Classic! I think you need to bring it to the next SongWriters Circle.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Very creative :)

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Thanks so much everyone for your continued kind feedback and support. Meeting you all has been such a boon for me!!!! I am excited to keep moving on and learning more!!

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

B U R N That sensation you are feeling in your fingertips is progress. This is a big milestone for you! I'm proud of you. There is no going back now . . . no more putting up with some obnoxious guitar player who thinks he knows everything. Now the song will sound as you intended it. I think those chord changes sound darn good and the ukulele turns out to be an excellent accompaniment for your voice. *** For those who have not met Penelope, I'll just say she is a REAL LOOKER! Spruce top and block inlays just like my Gibson SG Custom ***

Ron's avatar
Ron said

Besides a great voice you write really outstanding lyrics......congratulations on starting to learn the uke...sounds nice to hear you accompanying your self...what's next guitar? mandolin? piano?...

Justin Otter Guy's avatar
Justin Otter Guy said

I know I keep saying this, but... you have a sweet voice. That's a cool story. But I think the first time I heard a song written about an instrument was Stephen L. Krell singing about one of his vintage electric. Yours however was far less noisy! ;) Good job, Colleen, and that's some nice poetry!
