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igor's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by igor



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THE BURDEN OF SANITY - capo @ 5 in An

Am F
As I turned on to Calhoun I could hear the music from the street
Dm E
A dog pissed on a speaker as I found myself a seat
Now, Buster is a caveman all hunched over his bones
Hair matted like a buffalo, like he’d never owned a comb

The years can kill your spirit. The years you can’t explain
The years that simply melt away like mascara in the rain

Just a dusty pile of speakers, a mic stand brown with rust
His eyes lost somewhere in the hair. A voice has turned to dust.
He sang songs by James Taylor and Billy Joel. Each song a famous name
Carol King and Joni Mitchell but the songs all sound the same

It was like I had walked into some back street production of
Beauty and the Beast, and there was no Beauty. Just The Beast…
I passed his van as I walked out. The roof piled with rugs and a chair.
There’s a burden we call sanity that some of us don’t share

Where is that clean cut husband I knew so long ago
That self-rightious liberal with the child and wife in tow?

The years can kill your spirit. The years you can’t explain
The years that simply melt away like mascara in the rain

(C) 2018 Royal T Music ascap

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Leslie Young That one made me cry.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Candy Davis Your song made me feel as if I were walking past this sad man's broken, tattered life. I don't think I've ever listened to one of your songs without feeling deeply moved.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

hey I love the track BURDEN OF SANITY, one you can hear over and over, so amazing! Heath Wolf

Guest said

This is incredible,art , theatre, poetry, all haunted by the truth...the wonderful truth.. James Michael Taylor is a master of the truth.. Thank you James for sharing.. Matt in Ireland .

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

"The years can kill your spirit. The years you can’t explain The years that simply melt away... like mascara in the rain." Damn... what great words. JMT words. Words that paint a picture... on the canvas of my spirit. ` Jon McCabe

pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said


Guest said

I really like Burden of Sanity James! Sam Gross

KCsGroove's avatar
KCsGroove said

you paint a wonderful picture here A fine song! enjoyed! KC

Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

loved that intro. Wonderful mix and creative words.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Heavy message, well written glimps of reality.
