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igor's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by igor


Lilly Pad Blues

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With Mark “Sweet Lips” Imsdahl on Harmonica.

This is a story about my friend with impure thoughts of stealing Lilly Pads for his carp pond in the back yard.

I guess it all started, Out in the dark
I was stealing lily pads, From the local park
Bad idea, That I learned so hard
Just to help those fishes, Swim in my back yard

I got the Lily pad blues, payin my dues
Oh Lord I got em, those lily pad blues

Now I’m in the big house, Doing 3 to 5
I’ll be so lucky, To get out alive
I see them all lookin Straight at me
What kind of pretty boy, Could I be

I got the Lily pad blues, payin my dues
Oh Lord I got em, those lily pad blues

Told my Pa,Can’t come home no more
I work all day, Then they lock the door
I’m stuck in here, With all kinds of life
Some of them even killed their wife

I got the Lily pad blues, payin my dues
Oh Lord I got em, those lily pad blues

They ask me what am I here for
I say Lily Pads, then they lock the door
There’s one big old boy, lookin straight at me
He got love in his eyes, can’t you see

I got the Lily pad blues, payin my dues
Oh Lord I got em, those lily pad blues

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Suburban thuggery and nearly low down close to the bottom blues

dreischl's avatar
dreischl said


slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Well now how'd I miss this one ! great collab from my two favorite Minnisota players

dreischl's avatar
dreischl said

That was just beautiful...well except for the dead wives. Who knew that lily pads could lead to love.

Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Nice blues, especially the harmonica!

Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

You got some great friends Greg, in my mind, what great band we could be. If you accept me ........ Love guys

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh this is the stuff. Damn fine... I know someone who occasionally "collects" poppy seeds for planting in her own garden, can you get 3 to 5 for that?

Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

The man on harmonica sounds like he's been at it hard for 3 to 5! Had to come by for a second helping. Great song -- Rock on!

FDR's avatar
FDR said

Nice collab, :)

Guest said

Good one.

Guest said

Currently Kicking Ass and rightly So!

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Listened on the way into work this morn. Nice way to start the day. Another gem.

Robert Palomo's avatar
Robert Palomo said

If that don't keep ya on the straight and narrow nothin' will. Let this be a lesson to all you young whippersnappers out there!

Guest said

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 5 HEARTS! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Ron's avatar
Ron said

Love it...I got dem ol lilly pad blues....whoo hoo!!!.....great collaboration guys.....

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Outstand job guys, Its a lutheran-crime story no doubt.

Guest said

Something sounds fishy This one gives me a chuckle.

Guest said

Happy to have internet service here in my cell...

Guest said

Ripping off the Park System is a bad move An excellent look into Greg Connor and his cell mate Mark Imsdahl

Guest said

OMG 3-5 seems a bit harsh! Ha ha! Great one Greg! Cheers Bethan

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Nice Harmonica Playing Mark! I don't know why you wanted me to post this song on my site. The LAW is going to find you either way!
