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igor's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by igor


Sea Salt Shimmie

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Minnesota Coffee Table Series

This song is more fun than substance. Recorded at the end of the evening featuring the glow of an empty bottle of wine.

Mark Lofgren, Colleen Dillon, Mike Rudquist, Greg Connor

We’re still short a few lyrics, so feel free to suggest some.

Sha-Pink's avatar
Sha-Pink said

A little different angle than Champion Jack Dupree's take on seafood, but I'll always take blues, beer, and shrimp! Sounded like fun to perform and record.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Oops forgot to sign in .... that wino comment was me!

Guest said

Well now the wine had taken effect.... but I gotta admit that this was a blast to write with this gang

Ron's avatar
Ron said

Fun!!! .. now you have to create a new will be the latest craze "The Sea Salt Shimmie" ...I am dancin right now!! love it guys
