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igor's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by igor


The Dreamer

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i had a visit this morning when i got to the door there were a couple of Jehovah witness’s sprouting the gospel i explained i was an Atheist but he was a nice chap ao we had a little chat about the state of the world and what was to be done when God came to sort it all out as the time was coming soon so he said. He left me a pamphlet and left and i went back to my messing around in the cellar and came up with this one………

The dreamer sits on the sidewalk
watching the clouds form into shapes
forming symbols for the human race to awake
they told him the world
this world was about to shake

but, no one would listen no one heard
they saw him as a dreamer they thought his words absurd

but he could see through the varnish
to how the wood should be

what he knew he had to say
he preached his gospel everyday

people mocked people laughed people thought him a fool

he tried but no one would listen
he tried but no one heard
they saw him as a dreamer they thought his words absurd

he told them the world couldn’t breath
it told them the world was drowning
he tried to tell them his truth
he told them the bees they were dying
the pollinators of the world
he told themthat the wheat would stop growing
still no body heard

he told them that the poles would start shrinking
He told them that the ice sheets would melt
the dreamer told his truth

nobody listened to a word
nobody heard
people mocked people laughed people thought him a fool

but stillthey never listened to a word

the rain it never came
the sun scorched the world
still nobody listened
to a word

bookeybbb1111's avatar
bookeybbb1111 said

Like the vox

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one very cool

eshar's avatar
eshar said

Very powerful lyrics and great instant favourite.
