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igor's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by igor


I know the truth

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I recorded the Gibson straight with the SE Magneto condenser mic into the Scarlet and then vocal on seperate track you may hear the bloody dryer in the background if you listen carefully but this one had to be done there and then or i’d forget it. Guitar and vocal Thanks for listening

I know the truth
You say that you want to talk about it
You say you that you’ve got nothing to hide
You tell me that the truth burns with In you
And you just sit there bare faced and lie

Tell me why the sun doesn’t rise for me anymore
Tell me what it is you want from me once more
I can hear the stars fall out from the sky
Die and rithe every time you lie
Baby don’t tell me no more because I can’t take it
Every word you’ve just said is a lie
Your just chasing the midnight oil into the light
chasing the midnight oil into the light

Baby please don’t lie no more
Just tell me the truth, I can’t take it anymore
I need to know, do you still love me
Do you still need
Do you still feel for me
You say that you want to talk about it
You say you that you’ve got nothing to hide
You tell me that the truth burns with In you
So why do you sit there and lie
I know the truth
I know the truth
I know the truth
I know the truth

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Well it does it for me ....

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Great sound, your voice set above the guitar in a sweet spot Faved

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

I can’t get this faved but trust me it’s the site not working right
