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Djörk's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Djörk


12-Monkeys Dub

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Okay…it’s still a sloppy mess…but that’s what you get when you have earthquakes, a new-born baby, a nuclear disaster, broken bones in your hand and a whole-lotta “uuuuuuuuuuurgh!” to get out of your system. Somedays, you just gotta play in the mud (so to speak). And what you usually get is mud…fun freakin’ mud.

This is actually a rough re-recording of a glorious jam I did back in LA in the day. The original recording had loads of cool samples from the movie “12 Monkeys” (thus the title) but is unfortunately long lost due to technological format changes (see: DAT). Hopefully, I will be able to get ahold of a DVD and add those samples…because they really worked with this riff. The keyboard riffs aren’t really on the “dub” tip…and weren’t a part of the original…but were inspired by The Who’s “Eminence Front.” …because I had just seen an awesome documentary on The Who…however…THIS keyboard riff (as opposed to Townsend’s riff) is all live…no sequencer…tough to pull-off with a busted hand, let me tell you! Whew…enjoy!

Guest said

Hmmm Gorillaz meets a 12- monkey crew lol Another great track brutha

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Yeah... that's a lot to go through in one year. I hope all is well with you and yours. the keys are key in this.

Guest said

Mud is fun. This isn't mud. But it's still fun. Always love your raunchy synthy skillz!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Love the track! I'm surprised you got anything recorded with all that going on man!! Although it seems to make for some sweet music!

{Cosmik Trip}'s avatar
{Cosmik Trip} said

This has a bit of a Gorillaz feel to it. I like it.
