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by Djörk


Dazed&Confused (Led Zeppelin) With Johnny Stone

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Johnny Stones fabulous tune was playing on the juke-box in the cellar last night and Robert got up to do his thing but Reg told him to step down and let him have a go.Reg took over proceedings and blew everyone away down the cellar with his take on this great song……thanks Johnny for letting me play…..

FDR's avatar
FDR said

I was dazed and confused for years,and upon hearing this everything started to make perfect sence! :)+:)=:):)! HA HA!

FDR's avatar
FDR said

Wow,i think those things i had with my bacon and eggs this morning must have been magic mushrooms!

Guest said

Mighty fine collab, fellas!

Guest said

Ah, a song about the state I'm usually in. Love it

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

What a trip fellas. I enjoyed every second.

launched's avatar
launched said

Yes!! Yes!!! Yes!!!! Massively awesome vox, bro!

Djörk's avatar
Djörk said

nicely done! :)

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

As johnny says............great vocals got it going on man, when you sing it like this, so much soul in your are a soul man.

Guest said

Wild spin on an ole fav.

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Brings back fond mem..we'll no I forgot

Guest said

Good heavens Reg, are you ok? It's ok, really! You are amongst friends!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great job mate like it. Great vocals mate. Love the echo.
