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Keith Landry's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Keith Landry


When You're Leaving with Brian Bazeley

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After listening to Brian’s beautiful guitar piece “Mellow,” Brian was kind enough to allow me to sing along…

Never saw you coming
Down my lonely road
I never saw you coming
Can’t be sure you’ll never go
I know you’ll be leaving
But I keep believing
When you’re leaving
You’ll believe in me
Tell me when
Tell me when you’re coming home
Tell me when
Tell me when you’re coming home
I know you’ll be leaving
But I keep believing
When you’re leaving
You’ll believe in me

Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

What a great collaboration! Just a beautiful song.

Guest said

nicely recorded ...... and a nice natural reverb mate .... ill give it a master and its done :D

Guest said

Oh gorgeous!

Guest said

Beautiful. Music and vocal - wonderful!

corbinSound's avatar
corbinSound said

very nice song love the guitar arrangements great stuff!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one dig it very cool.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Thats a very beautiful and well recorded song. Very nice

Brian Bazeley's avatar
Brian Bazeley said

Lovely job . Well done. You make it sound as though I know what I'm doing. : )
