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Keith Landry's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Keith Landry



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More Folk…. Wanted to Add More to this… But Never got round to it..

jip's avatar
jip said

lovely - nice one.

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

What a great song... Beautiful delicate arrangement. And yes, I see what you mean about the similarity in the feeling of our songs! Fantastic use of multiple vocals! I could never pull it off as you have! You are one hell of a songwriter... I am in awe when I listen to the freeness of your music and the heart that is poured into them.

Home Grown String Theory's avatar
Home Grown String Theory said

I hear Guided By Voices here. Unplugged. Cool!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Love the layered vocals. Very nice!

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Thanks Guys!!!

 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

got quite a sixties feel to it. like it

 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

nice work very dreamy

launched's avatar
launched said

You know T, I never got a chance to really listen to this one. Definitely grows on you.

Guest said

Great vocals!!! Very enjoyable! Guitars have a nice tone too. Great work on this!
