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by Keith Landry


RPM 3: The Quickest Route (to you)

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RPM 2010 Track 3
“Road Trip (The Journey to find the answer begins)”
This turned out much better than I thought it would.

Guest said

Very good tune and mix.Cool chords.

dahliadarling's avatar
dahliadarling said

This is a great tune~a favorite... xo m

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Again, just great from the start... Fave'd at the 12-second mark.

Guest said

:) I really do like this song... catchy..

launched's avatar
launched said


Guest said

oh yeah this is great!!!!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Outstanding track!! The vocals are perfect. instant fav.

launched's avatar
launched said

Yeah, I do the same thing with vox - It's a job to "hide" them a little, but bring them out at the same time. Really cool tune.

launched's avatar
launched said

Another listen - Really enjoyed this one!

Memoir's avatar
Memoir said

Good call - uploading new export now with the vocals turned up. It's almost instinct to try and hide my vocals in the mix.

launched's avatar
launched said

Yes - I love it! The strum is very addictive, and the light percussion works very well. Excellent vox, but could be a little higher in the mix, though.

Guest said

Great tune , the vocal sound level seems a bit low on my end, still great tune.
