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by Reefwalker


I'm Sad Sad Sad

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Well as you’ve come to know Reg wears his heart on his sleeve, the new woman who was going to be the one has gone. He’s decided to go for a walk in the park to clear his head , he’s sad oh! he is sad, sad, sad, ………….
This one, i heard in the dark, whispered
This one i heard in the dark,whispered
I was walking in the park
I could hear the moon
I could hear it all
cause I’m was out of my skull
The love i had was true
But now its gone
I miss you
I’m sad sad sad sad
Because i miss you
I’ve gotta move, gotta move on, gotta move on and forget you
I’ve gotta move, gotta move on, gotta move on and forget you
I spend, my night in worry
I spend my day building my strength
The crowded room, there seems no one
In the crowded stree there is no one
In the crowd i’m alone
I feel sad when i’m alone
I’m so so sad
The love i lost was true
My torment is squeezed
And the stress depressed
I explore as i wander as i wander in the dark i explore the past
The love i had was true
Now i’m sad sad sad
I can hear the moon
I can hear it all
Cause i’m out of my skull
In the park
I’m walking and a whisper comes in the dark tells me
Time heals all
Time heals all
So lets go west

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

great Vox FX combos - sweet tune

stoman's avatar
stoman said

Minimalistic, experimenting - and as intriguing as all your songs. Regards, Steffen

fallingupart's avatar
fallingupart said

Hey, Reg, you're on the currently kickin' ass list! #3, man. Nice. I like the creepy deeply delayed backing vocals . . . like a recurring bad dream. If this is autobiographical, hang in there: the next "the one" may be just around the corner.

beetle's avatar
beetle said

haha. I love it!

Guest said

Its as if a bus full of the Talking heads had a accident with Tom Waits and from the fire comes regs

Guest said

islands adrift we still flow with the tide

Guest said

Cool bass!

Guest said

Cool sound effects, and love that bassline!

Farfetched Tangmo Band's avatar
Farfetched Tangmo Band said

Thanks a lot. Now you got me sad. Delicious wierdness here.

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

freaky groove. Hang in there...fuel the fire.
